31 Park Street, St Kilda West VIC 3182
Convert to a Family compound on land of 1000 plus sqms
The beautifully maintained solid brick property presents a unique landbank opportunity is in a prime location between St Kilda beach and Albert Park. Retain as an investment or renovate as a family compound with direct water views.
- Block of 8 large apartments on one title
- 200m walk to beautiful Catani Gardens & Beach
- Beautiful facade, original deco details
- Updated interiors
- Each with 2 bedrooms and built-ins plus balconies
- Full side drive with garages.
- Spacious living rooms, hardwood timber floors
- Spacious grounds
- Strong rental demand and income stream
- Ideal to retain as a solid income earner
- Exciting potential to add significant value
- Scope for future strata subdivision STCA
- Potential to develop STCA
- 350m walk to Fitzroy St
- Plans available to build out the back