
In Their Residence: Nick Shelton, Broadsheet

2 min read

Step into the distinctive Melbourne home of Nick Shelton, the visionary founder and publisher of Broadsheet Media, one of Australia's most influential independent publishing houses.

This residence is steeped in a fascinating history, tracing its roots back to the 1860s. Originally a private dwelling, it transformed into a vibrant pub until 1912. Following that era, it became a hub for metalworkers and coppersmiths, leaving a lasting imprint evident in the gleaming floors and meticulously preserved facade—details carefully honoured during its recent architectural renewal.

Nick has infused the space with his own Melbourne sensibility, a natural touch for a known authority on all things 'Melbourne.' Local artwork by friends grace the walls, while countless cookbooks line the shelves. Unsurprisingly, the heart of this historic home is the kitchen.

Q: Nick, thanks for inviting us in! Before we delve into your home life, could you tell us the story of Broadsheet's beginnings?

Nick: I launched Broadsheet back in 2009, fresh off travelling Europe and living in London. Finding cool things to do in that massive, amazing city was nearly impossible! Returning to Melbourne, I faced the same challenge. It was a pivotal time for the city, you know? Andrew McConnell had just opened Cumulus Inc., and Mark Dundon was working his magic at Seven Seeds. The food scene, the entire city's creative energy, buzzed with electricity. Yet, the media coverage just wasn't there. So, at the age of 24, armed with audacity (and maybe a hint of naivety!), I decided to take a stab at it. Broadsheet began as a one-man operation run from my home, and well, here we are today.


Nick says he loves that the Victorian facade remains intact, with its raw, unpolished vibe.

Q: Looking back, were there any early experiences or mentors who shaped your path and fostered your passion for Melbourne's unique offerings?

Nick: I wasn't necessarily influenced by specific mentors, but rather by the city's overall creative spirit. Hospitality, design – all these creative fields were filled with people who were making Melbourne a cool and exciting place. Every interaction with the city felt inspiring, which became a major motivator for me.

I was fortunate to travel extensively during my younger years. This constant exposure to new places, restaurants, and art galleries fostered a global perspective and, I suppose, a keen eye for unique experiences.

Q: Could you touch on what you’re seeing across broader Melbourne and how that’s now expanded outside of the CBD?

Nick: Over the past decade, not only in Melbourne, but across Australia, we have witnessed a surge of exciting cultural movements. Broadsheet initially had a strong Melbourne focus, particularly in the inner north. We've broadened our scope to encompass major cities across Australia, from the Adelaide Hills and Byron Bay to Margaret River, Ballarat, and Bendigo. Each location boasts unique cultural movements, and we're thrilled to be part of showcasing them. Great coffee and local galleries are no longer exclusive to the inner city; they're becoming the norm throughout Melbourne, regardless of the suburb you explore.

Q: How does your home create a sanctuary within the vibrant energy of Fitzroy?

Nick: I love the buzz of Fitzroy – it's essential to have that energy right at my doorstep. I couldn't imagine living somewhere without a great cafe or wine bar within a two-minute walk. But the beauty of my apartment is that I can simply close the door and be enveloped in the comfort of my own space.


"Spending a whole day in the kitchen, for an evening of food, drinks, and conversation – that's my ideal way to unwind."

Q: Have you developed any rituals or routines that help you de-stress and recharge after a busy day at the Broadsheet office?

Nick: Absolutely! The kitchen is the heart of my home – it's where I naturally gravitate after a long day. Whether I'm whipping up something simple or getting lost in a more elaborate creation, that's where I tend to unwind and relax.

Q: Tell us the story of discovering this unique apartment. Was it love at first sight?

Nick: It was actually through a casual conversation with a work colleague and friend, Emily (wife of Melbourne architect Dominic Pandolfini), that I discovered this place. Emily, who was then the Marketing Manager at Broadsheet, mentioned this amazing space Dom was designing. Knowing they were looking for a tenant, I asked to see it. I came over that afternoon – it was still a construction site, but I could clearly envision the potential and found it incredibly exciting – I jumped at the opportunity and have been here ever since.

Q: How did the building's "bones" inspire your vision for the space?

Nick: I love that the Victorian facade remains intact, with its raw, unpolished vibe – the graffiti and chipped paint tell a story of the building's history. Dom's decision to preserve this exterior while creating a clean, light-filled interior with modern lines struck a perfect balance for me. This sense of contrast is what I wanted to capture when furnishing the space. Clean lines are important, but I also wanted to incorporate warmth and comfort to create a lived-in feel.


"Home is more than just a physical space – it's a reflection of the things I'm passionate about".

Q: You've cultivated a truly unique design aesthetic in your home – how would you describe it?

Nick: Every element here is meticulously chosen. There's a purpose behind every piece, from the stools to the couch and the thoughtfully selected table. What truly elevates this space for me is the abundance of works by my fellow Melbourne creatives (and great friends). Living surrounded by their talent is truly inspiring. Each piece tells a story – the whimsical illustrations by James Cameron, the captivating design elements from TCYK and Rhys Gorgle, and the evocative photography of Pete Tarasuik. Even the lamp, a striking centrepiece, is the work of the talented Sarah Nedovic Gaunt.

Q: For an apartment dweller, a spacious kitchen is indeed a luxury. Share your passion for cooking and entertaining. Does the kitchen's layout and the rooftop terrace facilitate these gatherings?

Nick: Absolutely! I love having people over and cooking for them. I'm a social cook, and many of my friends are great cooks themselves. So, spending a whole day in the kitchen, everyone pitching in and creating something delicious, then heading up to the rooftop for an evening of food, drinks, and conversation – that's my ideal way to unwind.


"The values Broadsheet celebrates – good food, design, creativity – those are the things I celebrate too."

Q: Being immersed in all things "Melbourne," are there any cafes, restaurants, or off-the-beaten-path spots you frequent that our readers would appreciate knowing about?

Nick: There are a few places I keep finding myself drawn back to. First up is Bistra on Elgin Street, this newcomer is already generating a lot of buzz, and with good reason. Headed by the dream team of Henry Crawford (ex-Bar Romantica) alongside Joseph Ho and Alexei Taheny-Macfarlane, it's shaping up to be something truly special.

Napier Quarter isn't exactly a secret, but there's a reason it keeps pulling me in. It's the perfect place to soak up the atmosphere and discover local talent. And of course, no inner-city exploration is complete without a visit to Marion and Builders Arms on Gertrude Street.

Q: What does home mean to you beyond a physical space?

Nick: My job allows me to travel a lot, which is a privilege. But for me, home is more than just a physical space. It's a haven where I feel completely comfortable – a reflection of myself and the things I'm passionate about. You know, the values Broadsheet celebrates – good food, design, creativity – those are the things I celebrate too. They're reflected throughout my space, from the cookbooks to the art; it all comes together as a central expression of who I am.


"Throughout my space, from the books to the art; it all comes together as a central expression of who I am."

Q: Your passion for Melbourne is evident. What are your hopes for the city's future, and how do you envision Broadsheet shaping that future?

Nick: Absolutely. At Broadsheet, we're passionate about celebrating the things that make our communities tick – from hidden gem restaurants to cutting-edge exhibitions, talented fashion designers to visionary architects. We see ourselves as champions, bringing these wonderful businesses, brands, and creative minds to the forefront.

For Melbourne, my vision is continued cultural growth. We're already a world-class city, and I believe that's here to stay. The key is to keep innovating and staying ahead of the curve. Right now, the environment is challenging for many businesses, but Broadsheet remains dedicated to supporting them. We'll continue to do everything we can to ensure Melbourne thrives well into the future.


"What truly elevates this space for me is the abundance of works by my fellow Melbourne creatives (and great friends)."

Q: Broadsheet has been credited with influencing Melbourne's cultural landscape. How do you navigate the responsibility that comes with this influence, and how do you ensure the platform remains a positive force for our city?

Nick: At Broadsheet, positivity is absolutely core to our mission. We write about the people, places, and things that excite us, that make Melbourne such a vibrant city. But credibility is equally important. We wouldn't recommend something we don't genuinely love and believe in. That's a promise we take very seriously – to champion the amazing things happening in our city. The good news? Melbourne has no shortage of hidden gems waiting to be discovered, and that's where we come in. It's our job to find them and share them with our readers.

Q: Is there any advice you'd give your younger self?

Nick: There probably is, but honestly, I've enjoyed the journey so much. That's one of the things I love about my work – it's a constant learning experience. Maybe if I knew everything back then, I wouldn't have even started. The truth is, it's challenging, demanding, and complex – running a team and competing in a tough environment. But the endless challenges are also incredibly exciting. I thrive on being constantly on the move, and there's always so much more to learn.


For a deeper glimpse into Nick's life and apartment, stay tuned to our Instagram.

*All photography captured by Joel Noon.

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