Charitable Foundation Application
The Foundation considers applications for any project or program within our business footprint that demonstrates a benefit to our local community, with a particular focus on youth, education and alleviating disadvantage.
Foundation Day applications: opening announcement will be made, when date has been selected for Foundation Day 2025
Small Grant applications: open for 2025
Funding Criteria
The Foundation considers applications for the following:
- Specific items contributing to community organisations.
- Cultural and educational programs.
- Equipment eg medical, sporting, educational.
- Improvement in the quality of life for a person/group.
Please note the committee is not able to consider requests for the following:
- Ongoing administration costs, such as staff wages.
- Projects outside our geographic footprint or require recurrent funding.
- Donations to general appeals, sponsorships or other general funding foundations.
- Capital items that would normally be funded wholly through government sources.
- Merchandise, marketing and catering for events.
- Funding to operate events to raise funds for a particular organisation or cause.