
Is it time to prepare a rental resume?

Finding a good rental home often feels like you’re competing against half the city. Whether you’re just moving out of home for the first time or have a few years experience of living independently, it’s tricky to work out what exactly will get you the nod of approval from a landlord or property manager.

Melbourne is predicted to overtake Sydney as Australia’s most populated city, so you’ll definitely want to stand ahead of the crowd of other renters when finding a place to call home.

One way you can leave a lasting impression is to leave something behind – literally. A rental resume is information about you and your rental preferences collected into one place, providing the landlord or property manager an insight into your renting habits and personality. Think of it like a C.V. for living!

When pondering on a suitable tenant, your rental resume will be on-hand, ready to be reviewed over and over again. Sound like something you could do with?

What does your rental resume say about you?

Create the best impression

Similar to going for a job interview, meeting the rental manager or landlord is all about first-impressions. They’ll judge you on how you look and how you carry yourself – no pressure, right?

However, life doesn’t always run smoothly, and most of us have had to arrive somewhere frantic, out of breath, and just not looking our best.

In a property market that is as competitive as Melbourne’s, you definitely want to create the right sort of first impression. Arriving with a rental resume on hand or sending it online with your application will show that you are a prepared and serious potential tenant. Also, if your looks betray your age or inexperience, a rental resume can help you communicate your professionalism  – something that first-time renters will need to stand out.

All questions answered

Apart from providing a snippet of your personality, a rental resume should include all the relevant information that a property owner needs. Having your contact details on hand in one place makes it a lot easier for them, especially when they have to recall other renters just by memory.

Of course, as a first-time renter, it can be harder to fill up the space, so make sure you include some personality, rather than it being a dry report. After all, it takes around seven seconds to make a first impression – back up yours with a resume! Make sure you include the answers to questions that they are likely to ask such as how many people will be living in the rental. You should also state your credit history, employment, and past rentals, and also, if applicable, rental references – prior landlords or managers that can attest to your rental experience.

Having completed and printed off your rental resume, it’s time to start looking for properties. Contact the team at Nelson Alexander today to find the perfect home for you! You can also sign up for regular updates to stay informed on new properties.

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